Export/Backup directly to Zip using MKNOD!

We all faced that situation when we have to make a logical backup/export and haven’t so much area to do that, right?
We know the export usually compress a lot on zip/gzip… It wouldn’t be great if we can export directly to compressed file?

This situation become much more common because of Datapump, that requires a directory accessible by database server. If you have not possibility to make a mounting point or any other area, this can help…

## BKP with MKNOD
DATE=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M`
mknod bkp_$DATE.dmp p
gzip  bkp_$DATE.dmp.gz &
### Uncomment and Ajust one of:
## MySQL:
#mysqldump -u $user -p$password $database > bkp_$DATE.dmp
## Oracle (Datapump or EXP)
expdp \"/ as sysdba\" dumpfile=bkp_$DATE.dmp full=y directory=DIRECTORY_EXAMPLE logfile=log_bkpzipped.log compress=y
#expdp $user/$password dumpfile=bkp_$DATE.dmp full=y directory=DIRECTORY_EXAMPLE logfile=log_bkpzipped.log
#exp \"/ as sysdba\" file=bkp_$DATE.dmp log=log_bkpzipped.log compress=y [tables=owner.table,..] [owner=schema1,..] [...]


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