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Database & Technology INSYNC

Introducing INSYNC 21​ Three jam-packed days of Oracle Database and Technology learning​ Quest Oracle Community is excited to introduce a <strong>BRAND NEW</strong> virtual conference exclusively for Database and Technology users! INSYNC connects DBAs to product experts, industry innovators, technology leaders and Oracle product teams for 3 full days of online education and networking. Get hands-on with the experts, dive into demo’s and workshops, connect with other Oracle database users, and meet solutions providers – all from the comfort of your desk. ​ Delivered on our interactive virtual event platform, INSYNC provides an immersive learning experience suited for all learning styles and interests.

Cloud Native Computing Linz Meetup

We are excited to host the 6th edition of the Cloud Native Computing Linz meetup! - Matt Jarvis is a Senior Developer Advocate at Snyk. Matt has spent more than 15 years building products and services around open source software, on everything from embedded devices to large scale distributed systems. Most recently he has been focused on the open cloud infrastructure space, and in emerging patterns for cloud native applications. Matt is a regular speaker at conferences across the world, including Open Infrastructure Summit, FOSDEM and All Things Open. - Rainer Stropek is co-founder and CEO of the company software architects and has been

Boas Práticas em Aplicações na Nuvem: Twelve-Factor App

Computação em nuvem é algo que está cada vez mais presente no nosso dia a dia como desenvolvedores, IT pros e mesmo usuários. E sendo o Microsoft Azure uma das plataformas líderes em cloud computing no cenário atual, o Canal .NET decidiu promover mais uma vez o Azure Tech Nights: um evento completamente ONLINE e GRATUITO com sessões durante Fev/2021, Mar/2021 e Abr/2021 para levar mais conhecimento sobre nuvem para toda a comunidade. Apresentação no dia : * Boas Práticas em Aplicações na Nuvem: Twelve-Factor App Como podemos melhorar a implementação de aplicações na nuvem, tirando proveito de boas práticas