Before Disaster Strikes Architect Seminar Series

Achieving resiliency in your business continuity strategy Oracle invites you to a virtual seminar and panel discussion focused on mitigating risks in the uncertain times we live in today. Natural disasters, system failures, operator error, and malicious hackers are causing serious damage to organizations without a well-planned high availability and disaster recovery strategy. Those consequences include lost revenue, diminished customer satisfaction, regulatory fines, lost data, and ransomware payments to name a few. Learn how BIAS, a leading IT solutions provider and award-winning Oracle partner, has designed and implemented high availability, disaster recovery and security strategies for some of the world’s


Die APEX connect 2021 heißt euch am 4. und 5. Mai zum großen Wiedersehen der Community willkommen – bequem und sicher von Zuhause oder dem Büro aus. Freut euch auf zahlreiche Vorträge und Workshops zu den Themen APEX, JavaScript und PL/SQL! Wir bieten euch ein einzigartiges Online-Konferenzerlebnis mit jeder Menge Wissensaustausch, Networking und einem unterhaltsamen Abendprogramm.

Developer Live! App Dev with Oracle Database

Build Applications with Oracle Database Now Oracle’s market-leading database enables you to develop applications by supporting the data models and access methods your team wants—without unneeded functionality getting in the way. Learn how Oracle Database is optimized for developer productivity. This event will show you how Oracle Database gives developers simple API-driven access and model-specific languages together with powerful SQL capabilities. Each track will feature a hands-on lab so you can get started building applications on Oracle Database now. Register now to learn more about: Building data-driven insights into your applications leveraging graph and machine learning Enabling modern application architectures

Oracle Communications SD-WAN Boot Camp

This course introduces the key technical concepts of Oracle’s SD-WAN offering and equips attendees with the skills to configure and troubleshoot an Oracle SD-WAN global network. Essential elements of network, site, and quality of service configuration are demonstrated in detail alongside related monitoring and troubleshooting activities enabled by the SD-WAN appliance GUI. This course also provides best practice recommendations for efficient provisioning and maintenance of the SD-WAN configuration and network. Prerequisites To be approved for this training session you must pass the online test  Oracle Communications SD-WAN Solution Engineer Specialist (Oracle Partner Network - OPN - account required). Please refer to the

Criando sua Infraestrutura no Azure com Código

  Neste live evento ONLINE e GRATUITO do Azure na Prática (live #21) veremos como podemos criar nossa estrutura cloud no Azure, utilizando para isto o conceito de IaC (Infrastructure as Code). Palestrante: Juliano Custódio (Microsoft MVP) Quando: 04/05/2021 (terça) a partir das 21:00 - horário de Brasília Confirme sua participação através do link: Para saber mais sobre o Azure na Prática e seus treinamentos presenciais e online acesse:


UKOUG – License Management Event

The UKOUG License Management Event will be back in 2021. This event aims to bring together Oracle license owners to share their knowledge in a collaborative space. We are currently looking for volunteers to help shape the content and structure of this event. Find out more about volunteering for this event and apply here.

Evento RSJUG Maio

Evento RSJUG Maio RSJUG promove evento sobre qualidade de código e melhoria de código a partir do entendimento de smells e técnicas de refactoring. Analisando a saúde do seu código com DR-Tools Suite Guilherme Lacerda Pioneiro em Metodologias Ágeis no Brasil, onde atua desde 2001. Professor na Unisinos. Doutorando em Ciência da Computação  na UFRGS.  Tem ajudado empresas e times, de diferentes nichos de negócio privado, público, indústria, na melhoria contínua de suas práticas em engenharia de software, gestão e desenvolvimento de produtos. Mentor na Wildtech e criador do DR-Tools Suite (

Bootcamp – Machine Learning: Funcionamiento y Aplicabilidad

📢 Machine Learning: Funcionamiento y Aplicabilidad. 🎓 Obtenga una beca del 100% en el curso y hasta el 50% de descuento sobre examen 📅 BootCamp 8 de mayo:00 a.m. (GMT-5) 📲 Realice su inscripción al WhatsApp ✔ Conoce más acerca de Exacom IT en

Berliner Expertenseminar: Die Exadata, eine äußerst effiziente Hardware

Die Exadata ist ein komplexes Gebilde aus vielen kommunizierenden Einzelkomponenten, die man im Zusammenhang verstehen muss. So kann man zum Beispiel den Smart Scan nicht unabhängig von den Storage-Zellen verstehen. Auf den ersten Blick kann dies recht verwirrend wirken. Erst wenn man die historische Entwicklung und die Konstruktionsprinzipien kennt, wird es einfacher, alle Elemente in ihrem Zusammenspiel zu begreifen. Mit dem Verständnis der Exadata als harmonisches, technisches Konzept wächst auch die Freude und der Spaß an der Arbeit mit dieser gut konstruierten Hardware. Vorkenntnisse: Es sind Grundkenntnisse der Oracle Architektur und der Zugriffsarten erforderlich. Man sollte z.B. wissen, was einen

Meetup: Ervaringen met Oracle Database Migraties naar de cloud

Oorspronkelijk zou deze Meetup plaatshebben op 18 maart. De Meetup is verplaatst naar 11 mei 2021! Presentatie door team van The DOC. Van on-premiss naar de Oracle cloud. –  Achtergronden cases; gebruikte en te gebruiken DB versies –  Transitie naar de Cloud (met o.a. infrastructuur-aspecten) –  Migratie naar Database 19/20 Inloggegevens voor de Zoom meeting worden voor aanvang van de Meetup per e-mail naar de ingeschreven deelnemers gezonden.

Data Management Strategy Evolution

Data Management Strategy Evolution Data management strategies are evolving faster with the increased pressure for organizations to leverage the business benefits of digital transformation. Topics for this discussion include analytics across polyglot data stores, reducing the analytics cycle time to business value, evolving a logical warehouse across data tiers and delivering database solutions for DevOps. This presentation focuses on the benefits and the challenges of maturing a data management strategy to the next level to accelerate business transformation. About the speaker: George Trujillo is the Vice President of Data Engineering at Overstock, an online retail industry leader in providing Dream


ODTUG EPM Webinar Configuring Oracle Projects

Presented by Jesse Martin, Alithya. Deploying the Projects module provides the ability to plan upcoming projects with the additional detail that's often required but not always available. Whether planning revenue or expense projects, this module includes several project types and planning methods to support individual, project-level detail. In this webcast, we’ll take a look at some features and processes within the out-of-the-box Projects module, review the configurable artifacts, and demonstrate a simple application build. Topics include: • Configuring the initial deployment • Setting up a new project and associated detail • Revenue & expense planning: labor, materials, equipment, other This

Oracle MySQL Database Service Hands-on Workshop

MySQL Database Service (MDS), a fully managed database service is: 100% developed and managed by the MySQL team 100% built on MySQL Enterprise Edition 100% compatible with Oracle technologies 100% supported by the MySQL team As a result, MySQL Database Service is 100% compatible with on premise MySQL, allowing for a seamless transition to the public cloud or a hybrid cloud model. Register for this workshop to Learn how to help customers deploy and manage the latest MySQL EE on OCI. Audience DBAs Enterprise Architects Developers Pre-requisites In order to confirm your registration, we ask that you view the MySQL

RoOUG TechSession #45

Pe 11 Mai 2021, Romanian Oracle User Group a pregătit un nou eveniment dedicat utilizatorilor de produse Oracle. Agenda va fi următoarea: 17:00 – 17:50 – Glu(ent)ing together a Data Hybridization Layer on top of Oracle Exadata’s and Cloud hosted Hadoop Cluster – Radu Pârvu Abstract Use Case about how we built a data hybrid layer for a large Client using Gluent; Oracle Exadata and Hadoop Cluster. Bio speaker Radu Parvu, Oracle ACE, Research Principal Director Accenture Enkitec Group Radu has over 19 years of experience in various database projects (mainly Oracle but other DBMS, too. Radu holds License (one degree over

Segurança e Infra no Azure: novidades do Ignite 2021

No mês de Março/2021 aconteceu mais uma edição do Microsoft Ignite, com diversos anúncios relacionados principalmente a infraestrutura na nuvem e um uso mais seguro de recursos. Para ficar por dentro desses destaques acompanhe esta apresentação ONLINE e GRATUITA do Azure na Prática (live #20), em que serão abordadas novidades do Ignite envolvendo a utilização de tecnologias como Windows Server 2022, Windows Server Azure Edition, discos, networking, Azure Migrate, Azure Security Center, Azure Defender, Azure Sentinel, Azure Active Directory... Palestrante: Diego Moreira Matos (Microsoft MVP)


AWS Summit Online – Américas

O AWS Summit Online foi projetado para desenvolvedores e profissionais de TI que desejam aprender como construir e inovar em grande escala usando a Nuvem AWS. Fique sabendo das novidades trazidas diretamente pelos executivos da AWS, participe de sessões paralelas com histórias de clientes e converse com especialistas da AWS para obter respostas às suas perguntas. Melhore suas habilidades com laboratórios práticos, aprenda com demonstrações inspiradoras e descubra o que a AWS e as soluções de parceiros podem fazer para o seu negócio. Esta conferência online gratuita foi desenvolvida para informar você sobre os serviços da AWS e ajudar no

Oracle Enterprise Data Management Certification Readiness Workshop

Note that seats are limited and priority will be given to EMEA Partners focusing to Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service Track Expertise. Registrations will be closed as soon as the Event is full. Oracle is pleased to invite you to attend an Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud (EDMCS) Certification Readiness Workshop. Gain an in-depth understanding of the Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud 2020 Implementation Specialist certification process and the various areas of the system that will be tested as part of the Implementation Essentials Certification Exam (1Z0-1086-20). Explore key system functionality and terminology required to become a certified implementation


Please join us for an EBS Upgrade Panel in which we will review the latest EBS and database certified versions, support date details and EBS Upgrade news. We will also answer your EBS Upgrade questions during the Q&A with our Panelists. Learning Objectives: - Provide answers to questions related to EBS 12.2 Upgrade during Q&A. - Share “real-world” experiences, tips techniques for EBS upgrade to release 12.2.

Modals and Popups and Dialogs, Oh My! …Which to Use When, How and Why by Karen Cannell

Learn the subtle and not-so-subtle distinctions between APEX modals, popups and inline dialogs: Which to use when, why to choose one over the other, and how to use them appropriately in your APEX applications. We will cover modal and non-modal dialog pages, inline dialog and inline popup region types, when to use a dialog page vs an inline dialog or popup, and caveats and challenges to be aware of with each element type. Emphasis is on use of declarative APEX elements and documented JavaScript APIs whenever possible, and best practices for employing these various elements in your APEX pages, including

Cloud Lunch and Learn Marathon: mais de 170 palestras sobre Azure!

Gostaríamos de convidá-los para um super evento global de tecnologias em nuvem, focado principalmente em Azure, patrocinado pela Microsoft e Redgate e que acontecerá em Maio/2021: o Cloud Lunch and Learn Marathon. Mais de 170 palestrantes de vários países e em várias línguas, incluindo diversas sessões em português! Alto conteúdo técnico e totalmente gratuito sobre Azure e diversas outras tecnologias Microsoft. Este evento ocorrerá durante 24 horas a partir do dia 13 de Maio, permitindo assim a cada participante acompanhar sessões nos seus próprios horários. Inscreva-se no link a seguir sem custo algum, ajude assim uma instituição de caridade (os
