All you we hear is, "You should and when are you moving to the cloud for your ERP and HCM and related applications. But you've made significant investments in your Oracle Applications and your users are happy with what it can do for them. In this session you will learn how companies are increasing their ROI, reducing internal costs, providing a more resilient environment, and providing a higher level of end-user satisfaction by taking advantage of the Cloud in different ways. Yes, you can keep your existing on-premise applications and customizations while still taking advantage of Cloud technologies. Taking advantage

Oracle Cloud EPM – Creating and Running a Center of Excellence (CoE) for Cloud EPM

ORACLE CLOUD EPM Description: Establishing a CoE helps guide your cloud initiatives, and it can help achieve significant value from your investment as well as establishing effective processes and use. Join this session to learn: What an EPM CoE is and how it can help your organization ensure Oracle Cloud EPM adoption, best practices and drive transformation. What resources Oracle created and is making available to you on this journey in the cloud. You will also learn from Oracle’s own experience and how it has enabled our organization to accelerate EPM adoption, streamline communications, and ensure the implementation and sharing

DBA Cloud Day


Op 9 december 2022 zal traditiegetrouw de jaarlijkse nlOUG DBA-dag worden gehouden in samenwerking met Oracle. Daar in oktober het grote Oracle evenement ‘Oracle Cloud World’ (OCW) wordt gehouden in Las Vegas, wordt de naam dit jaar omgedoopt naar ‘nlOUG DBA Cloud day’. Plaats: Oracle HQ in Utrecht – het is een ‘live’ event!* Op deze dag zal ruimschoots aandacht worden geschonken aan de aankondigingen van OCW, nieuwtjes en (on-)mogelijkheden van OCI, en daar DBA’s op de hoogte moeten zijn wat Developers doen en gaan doen (en vice versa), natuurlijk ook een development track. Daarnaast is er gelegenheid tot het

Oldies but Goodies – Oracle Performance

Erfahren Sie in unserer 60-minütigen WebSession mit Marco Pachaly-Mischke alles rund um das Thema Oldies but Goodies - Oracle Performance. Buchen Sie jetzt und sichern Sie sich einen Platz! Die Veranstaltung ist für Mitglieder der DOAG kostenfrei. Referent: Marco Pachaly-Mischke Robotron Datenbank-Software GmbH


While no two APEX applications are exactly alike, there are some things that should be included in every application you build from this point forward -without exception. Things like administrative reporting, instrumentation, enhanced messaging and error handling...these should be designed in from the start rather than included as a "time permitted" afterthought. Your users will appreciate the consistency across your entire suite of applications as they will require less training. You will also be able to more quickly diagnose any issues as they arise. Include these 5 MUSTs and be the hero of your office.


A contemporary tool kit created using Electronic Kanban (a flagship Oracle offering) and implemented globally across sites of Emerson InSinkErator (world's largest food waste disposals manufacturer). This features a 360-degree integration with Warehouse Management, iSupplier and Mobile Apps. It includes state of the art solutions such as Smart Label with dual validation of license plates and cards, self-cycling auto-replenishment triggered by point of use consumption, and dynamic routing of Kanban orders to geography-wise 3PL warehouses. A simulation model is also bundled to optimize Kanban loops. These solutions drive Emerson's strategic initiative of pull planning and improve supply chain with automation.


E-Business Suite 12.2.11 was released in November 2021 and contains important updates that will help future-proof E-Business Suite and provide users with greater business value.  In this session, we will summarize the key technical and functional enhancements in 12.2.11, with a specific focus on Application Technology, Enterprise Command Centers, and Integration Services.  We will also educate attendees on the major functional enhancements that have been released in key product families such as Supply Chain, Order Management, Manufacturing, and how the business and IT can work together to properly plan for and execute a Continuous Release patch.  Finally, we will provide

International SouJava Collab Time

At Collab Time, the idea is to be a collaborative* meeting in the SouJava community with the objective of approaching topics about software development with Java for those interested in learning and sharing their experiences. The meetings took place on SouJava's Discord server. If you are interested in indicating a topic to help guide the meeting, send it in the appropriated form. So just stay tuned to SouJava's Discord Server for more information!

How to become a certified Oracle Cloud Platform expert? Free certification!

Want to make more money doing the job you already have? Before you ask for a salary raise, you might want to become a cloud expert first. Getting certified in your field can often mean the difference between continuing your job or get a promotion including a pay raise. Boost your career and become a certified Oracle Integration or Oracle Digital Assistant expert! Attendees will be updated on the available Oracle Cloud Platform trainings, certifications and the free training. Including the resources and support of the PaaS and Developer partner communities and free cloud trials. Can’t access the free training


There are 2 common problems Oracle Cloud customers are experiencing: 1. It takes too long to create and update business data 2. There’s no easy way to run ad hoc queries and do basic user reporting In this webinar, we’ll show how we combine the best of Oracle and Excel to solve these problems. Part 1 Are you frustrated by the slow performance of Oracle Cloud screens? Is your work piling up because of Cloud process inefficiencies? During the first half of the webinar, you’ll learn how authorized Oracle users can leverage API Wizard and Excel to do their Oracle

HighLoad++ Armenia


HighLoad++ is a professional conference for developers of high-load systems, an event for everyone involved in the creation of large-scale complex projects. The main purpose of the event is to share knowledge and experience among leading developers of high-performance systems, which support millions of users simultaneously. Agenda includes all necessary web development aspects, such as: large scale architectures, databases and storage systems, system administration, load testing, project maintenance, etc. The conference program includes currently trending topics such as IoT, Blockchain, Neural networks and Artificial Intelligence.   December 15th and 16th, 2022 - the 1st HighLoad++ Armenia conference will take place


A composable ERP strategy is one in which an organization chooses a mix of vendors and technologies that best meet their needs as opposed to a single monolithic vendor for everything. For most Oracle customers, a composable strategy will be the key for extending the value of existing software investments. In this webinar, Rimini Street will address how to build a Composable ERP strategy, the interoperability and compatibility tools that can make building it easier, and share answers to these questions: Why composability is all about best fit, including tools and approaches to integration? What are your options to avoid

(DOAG) Regionaltreffen Berlin/Brandenburg

Berlin Berlin

Auf dem nächsten Regionaltreffen berichtet Jan Gorkow über "PostgresSQL aus Oracle" - Heterogenous Services; nicht ganz neu, aber dennoch sehenswert "Cole New Features aus der 18c": Polymorphe Table Functions, Schema Only Accounts und mehr. Alle Vorträge inkl. Live-Demos   Agenda 17:00-17:10 Uhr Welcome Moderator: Michel Keemers   17:10-18:00 Uhr Zugriff auf "PostgresSQL aus Oracle“ - Heterogenous Services   18:00-18:15 Uhr Pause mit Snacks   18:15-19:00 Uhr Nicht ganz neu, aber dennoch sehenswert – "Coole New Features aus der 18c": Polymorphe Table Functions, Schema Only Accounts und mehr…   19:00-19:45 Uhr „Gibt es dafür nicht eine Vorlage?!?“ – SQL-Macros Referent: Jan


APEX World – 30 & 31 maart 2023 De 13de editie van APEX World zal op 30 en 31 maart 2023 gehouden worden op de KNVB Campus te Zeist. Het thema voor dit jaar is: LET’S INTEGRATE! Hiervoor zijn wij op zoek naar presentaties die gaan over technieken/methodieken welke raakvlak hebben en/of geïntegreerd kunnen worden met APEX. Denk hierbij aan Automated Testing, CI/CD pipeline, GIT, Machine Learning, OCI, Plug-ins, et cetera. Maar laat je hier vooral niet door beperken. Heb jij een mooie sessie die aansluit bij dit thema, stuur hem dan zeker in! Sessies kunnen in de vorm van

[Online] Kubernetes: dicas e truques para o dia a dia | 5a edição

Acompanhe este novo evento ONLINE e GRATUITO no Canal .NET e fique por dentro de diversas dicas e truques extremamente úteis no dia a dia com Kubernetes, ferramentas auxiliares e integração com serviços em nuvem (incluindo o suporte ao AKS - Azure Kubernetes Service)! Palestrantes: - Renato Groffe - Microsoft MVP, MTAC - Diego Moreira Matos - Microsoft MVP Não participou das lives anteriores ou gostaria de revê-las? As gravações estão disponíveis no YouTube e podem ser assistidas gratuitamente. Não deixem de acompanhar! Convidem amigas, amigos e colegas de trabalho!

Nächste Generation Oracle DB Plattform: «Best of breed» versus Exadata. Vergleich von Performance und Snapshot-Funktionalität in einem PoC.

Was sollte die nächste DB-Plattform (nach IBM/AIX/LPAR) sein? Aufgrund der Komplexität der Schnittstellen war die Cloud als Zielplattform keine Option. Für den Kunden standen somit 2 On-Prem-Alternativen zur Wahl: «Best of breed» mit Lenovo-Server und Netapp-Storage-Technologie versus  Exadata als «Engineered System». Wichtigste Kriterien für die Entscheidung waren die Klon-Funktionalitäten und die Performance der Systeme. Dieses Webinar stellt die gemachten Erfahrungen eines PoC vor (aufgetretene Probleme, «Aha»-Erlebnisse und Erfolge) und zeigt auf welche Plattform aus welchen Gründen letztendlich gewählt wurde.   Erfahren Sie in unserer 60-minütigen WebSession mit Clemens Bleile​​​​​​​ alles rund um das Thema "Nächste Generation Oracle DB Plattform: «Best

Ask Me Anything session with Jonathan Lewis – Theme “Indexing.”

Session Abstract: Have you got questions about Oracle Database Indexing? Come along to this session. Ask Me Anything with your question. It is an open format with no presentation. You can submit your questions in the zoom Q&A, and the speaker will answer as many as possible. Speakers: Jonathan Lewis Independent Oracle Specialist, JL Computer Consultancy Jonathan Lewis is a well-known figure in the Oracle world with more than 30 years of experience using the software. He has published three books about Oracle - the most recent being "Oracle Core", published by Apress Nov 2011 - and contributed to three

Kubernetes: dicas e truques para o dia a dia | 5a edição

Acompanhe este novo evento ONLINE e GRATUITO no Canal .NET e fique por dentro de diversas dicas e truques extremamente úteis no dia a dia com Kubernetes, ferramentas auxiliares e integração com serviços em nuvem (incluindo o suporte ao AKS - Azure Kubernetes Service)! Palestrantes: - Renato Groffe - Microsoft MVP, MTAC - Diego Moreira Matos - Microsoft MVP Não participou das lives anteriores ou gostaria de revê-las? As gravações estão disponíveis na seguinte playlist no YouTube e podem ser assistidas gratuitamente.

Rarely used Performance Features – Part 2

Session Abstract: There are some lesser-known performance features of the Oracle database - some of them added in recent versions - which could improve application performance significantly. Most of them are already part of the Enterprise Edition license without any additional license packs. Some of them are even available in Standard Edition. We'll have a look at features like Index Compression, alternative storage options like Index Organized Tables and Clusters, as well as Attribute Clustering. We'll also look at many smaller features that have been added recently, like Real-Time Materialized Views, Memoptimized Read/Write store, Parallel Execution enhancements, and many more.


Partnerevent: Oracle APEX & JSON meetup

Het einde van het jaar nadert alweer en traditie getrouw verschijnt er rond deze periode een nieuwe versie van Oracle APEX. Wij hebben Menno Hoogendijk, onderdeel van het Oracle APEX Core team, gevraagd of hij deze avond de belangrijkste nieuwe features van Oracle APEX 22.2 kan laten zien. Daarnaast is het ons niet ontgaan dat JSON steeds belangrijker wordt, zowel bij de verwerking van data in de database, alswel in de communicatie tussen de Oracle Database en APEX. Oracle ACE Director Alex Nuijten komt deze avond zijn kennis delen over hoe om te gaan met JSON data. De avond zal