OUG Scotland

OUG Scotland is back, in person, for 2022. The Scottish Oracle community will be gathering for a day of top-quality content, covering everything across the business and technical landscapes. This is your chance to contribute your knowledge to an invaluable collection of sessions.   ABOUT UKOUG As the largest Oracle User Group in the UK, we are a hub for connecting, learning, sharing and shaping conversation for the benefit of the community. Made up of over 8,500 people, the user group consists of Oracle Customers, Oracle Partners and the Oracle Corporation, creating an eco-system where all can benefit. UKOUG provides

DevDays Europe 2022

DevDays Europe – software development conference bringing together internationally recognized speakers and developers to encourage excellence and innovation in the software development community. At this conference, we cover the emerging technologies and best practices in the software development industry – regardless of technological platform or language – without commercial hype. At DevDays Europe you will learn about the latest tech advances from international experts flown in specifically for the event and about recent changes in your local development community from the peers. Full-day workshops will boost your knowledge of software development by introducing the latest practices and advancements in this



Call for Papers: Teilen Sie Ihr Wissen mit der Community und werden Sie Referent der DOAG 2022 Konferenz + Ausstellung, indem Sie Ihren Vortragsabstract bis zum 28. April 2022 einreichen.   Ihre Einreichung Wir suchen Vorträge mit einer Länge von 40 Minuten. Ob Erfahrungs- und Projektberichte, Tipps und Tricks, neue Features oder Best Practices – unsere Jahreskonferenz bietet Ihnen eine große Themenvielfalt! Eine detaillierte Liste aller relevanten Themenbereiche finden Sie hier. Außerdem sind wir auf der Suche nach Referenten, die in unseren Sessions für Einsteiger technisch komplexe Inhalte einfach aufbereiten und verständlich vermitteln.


Customers that run Oracle E-Business Suite and want to gain the benefits of a more flexible solution in the cloud have many choices. The extension of E-Business Suite Premier Support to 2032 and beyond gives customers more options than simply reimplementing on Oracle’s Fusion Cloud Applications. In this 60-minute webinar, attendees will see an overview of the options available to migrate E-Business Suite to cloud, the pros and cons of each, and how customers can achieve business benefits during the process with minimal expense. You'll hear tips for the architecture and migration, as well as outline the numerous capability advantages

Regionaltreffen NRW: APEX Open Mic Night

Brühl Brühl

Zeige was du mit Oracle APEX drauf hast! Am Vorabend der APEX Connect bekommt ein jeder die Gelegenheit seine App oder ein Feature in 5 Minuten dar zu stellen. Übrigens auch eine gute Gelegenheit das APEX Team direkt Feedback zu geben.

PostgreSQL Conference Germany

This year's conference is the 6th PostgreSQL Conference Germany, and for this year we will stay in Leipzig. The conference is organized by PostgreSQL Europe. PGConf.DE is a unique chance for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use and work with PostgreSQL. The event is moved between major cities in Germany, to make it easy for as many people as possible to come to the conference. The conference covers a wide range of topics, as we expect talks ranging from internals discussions

DoK Day Europe 2022 @ KubeCon

Valencia, Spain Valencia

We are excited to present DoK Day Europe 2022 @ KubeCon this spring, following the success of our last two DoK Days with the last featuring 20 virtual talks, musical interludes, and a fun quiz at the end! Kubernetes is increasingly used to run databases and other stateful workloads, unlocking new potential for leveraging your data. Join experienced practitioners from the Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC) who are at the forefront of running data on Kubernetes. Learn the use cases, techniques, and best practices from those who have been there, done that. DoKC will be streaming the event live onsite

Spring HROUG 2022

Hrvatsko Zagorje Hrvatsko Zagorje

Prošle godine smo junački proslavili veliku obljetnicu, 25. HrOUG konferenciju. Sada je vrijeme da se krene dalje, pa vam je ove godine HrOUG pripremio zanimljivu novost i iznenađenje. U 2022. godini ćemo organizrati dvije HrOUG konferencije: 1. prvu u svibnju u Tuhelju, a 2. drugu u listopadu u Rovnju Mnogi sudionici su nam rekli kako je vremenski razmak od cijele jedne godine između dvije konferencije često predug period u kojem tehnološki napredak ne posustaje, već naprotiv, u međuvremenu se pojavi veći broj novosti koje se ne stignu predstaviti u kraće vrijeme nakon objave ili se stavljaju "na čekanje" do sljedeće

Is your Oracle Cloud Data Secure in BI Publisher?

Developers require a SQL tool to query data from Oracle Cloud. Most organizations use out-of-the-box BI Publisher functionality to query data using the data model. However, this can expose your HR data and PII information to developers. Learn how SQLConnect can help query in BI Publisher while improving your productivity by up to 60%.


Understanding the status of your supply chain is vitally important. Whether it’s the ability to measure supplier performance and resolve shortages, reduce excess stock or optimize customer service levels, you need access to real-time information when needs arise. To minimize disruptions to your production plans, you need visibility into available finished goods to meet changing order demand. And when suppliers inform you of material delays, you need to quickly evaluate your open orders to maximize fulfillment. To get answers to your critical questions quickly and easily, you need an environment that makes this complex information easily consumable.oatug

AOUG Anwenderkonferenz 2022


After this long period of online events we want to put the upcoming AOUG User Conference 2022 (18. - 19. May, Conference Day 19th of May) under the motto "Back to live"! The event will be a hybrid event, i.e. you can either give your presentation live on our stage or via the online video feed into our event hall. Both are possible and we are already looking forward to your participation and presentations.

NWOUG 2022 Seattle Training Day

Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center Hilton Seattle Airport & Conference Center, Seattle, Washington

Here are some of the presentations we had at our last Seattle Training Day! What's New In Oracle Database 12.2 Post Go-Live Considerations for Cloud Migrations EBS User Management for Dummies - Grants, Permissions, RBAC, Proxy users Survey of some free Tools to enhance your SQL Tuning and Performance Diagnostics Ready. Set. Cloud! Migrating from On Premise to PBCS Data Integration for Big Data and Cloud Oracle Approvals Management (AME) - Client Examples in PO,AP,HR and more Advanced Database Diagnostics with the Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Suite The Oracle Bare Metal Cloud Slow and Steady: Approaching your E-Business Suite Roadmap

Live SQL Coding Challenge

Have you been unable to answer a SQL interview question? Or unsure how to turn business requirements – e.g. “Find the two highest-paid employees in each department” – into SQL queries? This session will show you how to turn these questions into SQL. Chris will take your “business requirements” based on the sample HR schema in this live, interactive SQL coding challenge. He’ll then write SQL to answer them in real-time. Join the fun and learn the process of writing SQL.


Can you imagine the functionality of Oracle E-Business Suite combined with the efficiency, speed and data quality of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) working together? Discover how these two solutions can resolve typical ERP challenges, saving hundreds of hours on repetitive, time consuming transactions while also improving data integrity. RPA working with Oracle E-Business can help customers address increased demand without adding headcount, and also eliminate the teams having to work late nights or weekends. Hear the Executive Vice President and CIO of a market leading automotive company explain how he has automated a number of different “critical path” uses cases

National Webinar Series 2022 – Design your Employee Experience with Oracle Journeys by Debra Lilley

The Australian Oracle User Group, AUSOUG, have a focus on bringing together our Oracle community and servicing their core technical, development and applications needs. A balanced program is aimed at all levels of skill and experience within a forum of User led independent knowledge sharing. Design your Employee Experience with Oracle Journeys by Debra Lilley Journeys is the evolving functionality which gives your HR teams the power to create great experiences for employees. How does this HR teams the ability to innovate and deliver a more human-centered experience for users. - how Journeys enables Inoapps (an Oracle-only partner using Oracle


This day is all about PostgreSQL - the world's most advanced open source database. Take the opportunity to meet with other people interested in PostgreSQL in Belgium. Beside the talks we offer the chance to network during the day. The event is suitable for everybody, from first-time users, students, to experts and from clerks to decision-makers. Within the description of each talk the target audience will be mentioned. The organisational team consists of W. Bertels (UCLL), A. Vercammen(Groep IDEWE) and G. Gioffredi (EURid). The information from the past conference is available for 2019


NexInfo and Intellinum are teaming up with the Oracle Applications & Technology Users Group (OATUG) to show you how mobility can drive efficiencies in your warehouse! Supply chain and warehouse management are having their moment – and their challenges. With a sharp increase in the number of goods consumed globally and constraints in moving and managing these goods, supply chain execution is at the front of business owners’ and consumers’ minds. To help curb these challenges, businesses are in critical need of solutions that allow them to control and manage their inventory, manufacturing, and warehouse activities more efficiently. Integrated mobile

DISTRIBUTECH International 2022

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, Texas

Destination 2050 starts here! This page will be the starting point for your registration for DISTRIBUTECH International 2022. DISTRIBUTECH International serves as a business and networking hub for electricity generators, utilities and solution-providers engaged in power generation and provides a platform to discuss in-depth challenges faced by all energy stakeholders.


For more information, acess the website below. We'll update this page soon!