Autonomous Health Framework – TFA data collection

Hi all,

Here I am or another post on the Autonomous Health Framework series!

Based on previous posts, we now have the AHF installed, what can we do with it?
I would say a lot! Everything? I don’t think so.

I will post here what I usually use more on TFA and then I will focus on orachk (which is a monster on its own as well).

Imagine that you have a problem and need to gather different information from the OS and the Oracle Stack from different nodes?

That´s where TFA – Trace file analyzer comes into play. It will collect the data for you and if you run as its root. You can specify the component that you need if you need to drill down to a very specify issue.

Also when you have a Service request with MOS they will probably ask for it to be executed but if they don’t, you should do it and upload any way as it will save a lot of time to troubleshooting and back and forth messages.

And if you have Internet access, you can upload it using the TFA as well, see it here.

[root@servertst01 bin]# ./tfactl diagcollect –h

Invalid Option for diagcollect: –h

Collect logs from across nodes in cluster

Usage : /oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect [ [component_name1] [component_name2] ... [component_nameN] | [-srdc ] | [-defips]] [-sr <SR#>] [-node <all|local|n1,n2,..>] [-tag ] [-z ] [-last <m|h|d>| -from  -to  | -for ] [-nocopy] [-notrim] [-silent] [-nocores][-collectalldirs][-collectdir <dir1,dir2..>][-examples]
-srdc Service Request Data Collection (SRDC).
-defips Include in the default collection the IPS Packages for:
ASM, CRS and Databases
-sr Enter SR number to which the collection will be uploaded
-node Specify comma separated list of host names for collection
-tag  The files will be collected into tagname directory inside
-z  The collection zip file will be given this name within the
TFA collection repository
-last <m|h|d> Files from last 'n' [m]inutes, 'n' [d]ays or 'n' [h]ours
-since Same as -last. Kept for backward compatibility.
-from "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" From 
or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
or "yyyy-mm-dd"
-to "Mon/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss" To 
or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
or "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss"
or "yyyy-mm-dd"
-for "Mon/dd/yyyy" For .
or "yyyy-mm-dd"
-nocopy Does not copy back the zip files to initiating node from all nodes
-notrim Does not trim the files collected
-silent This option is used to submit the diagcollection as a background
-nocores Do not collect Core files when it would normally have been
-collectalldirs Collect all files from a directory marked "Collect All"
flag to true
-collectdir Specify comma separated list of directories and collection will
include all files from these irrespective of type and time constraints
in addition to components specified
-examples Show diagcollect usage examples
For detailed help on each component use:
/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect [component_name1] [component_name2] ... [component_nameN] -help
[root@servertst01 bin]#

[root@servertst01 bin]# ./tfactl diagcollect -examples
/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect
Trim and Zip all files updated in the last 12 hours as well as chmos/osw data
from across the cluster and collect at the initiating node
Note: This collection could be larger than required but is there as the
simplest way to capture diagnostics if an issue has recently occurred.

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -last 8h
Trim and Zip all files updated in the last 8 hours as well as chmos/osw data
from across the cluster and collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -database hrdb,fdb -last 1d -z foo
Trim and Zip all files from databases hrdb & fdb in the last 1 day and
collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -crs -os -node node1,node2 -last 6h
Trim and Zip all crs files, o/s logs and chmos/osw data from node1 & node2
updated in the last 6 hours and collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -asm -node node1 -from "May/07/2020" -to "May/07/2020 21:00:00"
Trim and Zip all ASM logs from node1 updated between from and to time and
collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -for "May/07/2020"
Trim and Zip all log files updated on "May/07/2020" and collect at the
collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -for "May/07/2020 21:00:00"
Trim and Zip all log files updated from 09:00 on "May/07/2020" to 09:00 on "May/08/2020"
(i.e. 12 hours before and after the time given) and collect at the initiating node

/oraadm/oracrs/product/19.0.0/ahf/oracle.ahf/tfa/bin/tfactl diagcollect -crs -collectdir /tmp_dir1,/tmp_dir2
Trim and Zip all crs files updated in the last 12 hours
Also collect all files from /tmp_dir1 and /tmp_dir2 at the initiating node


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