DISTRIBUTECH International 2022

Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas, Texas

Destination 2050 starts here! This page will be the starting point for your registration for DISTRIBUTECH International 2022. DISTRIBUTECH International serves as a business and networking hub for electricity generators, utilities and solution-providers engaged in power generation and provides a platform to discuss in-depth challenges faced by all energy stakeholders.


For more information, acess the website below. We'll update this page soon!

Canada PGCon 2022

Join us for the 16th annual PGCon! PGCon is an annual conference for users and developers of PostgreSQL, a leading relational database, which just happens to be open source. PGCon is the place to meet, discuss, build relationships, learn valuable insights, and generally chat about the work you are doing with PostgreSQL. If you want to learn why so many people are moving to PostgreSQL, PGCon will be the place to find out why. Whether you are a casual user or you've been working with PostgreSQL for years, PGCon will have something for you. NOTE: This year, the conference will

Postgres London 2022

London London

Postgres London is the flagship event for the Postgres community in the UK. The single day event is hosted in the capital city of the UK and is open to all members of the Postgres community. Whether you’re a community member, developer, user, enthusiast or business - Postgres London is open to you all so make sure you register to attend in-person and learn more about the world’s most advanced open-source database! The event is funded from ticket registrations and our sponsors. We aim to keep ticket prices low to ensure the events are accessible to all members of the

APEX World 2022


APEX World 2022 wordt op dinsdag 24 en woensdag 25 mei 2022 gehouden op de KNVB Campus in Zeist. Naast keynotes, als vanouds verzorgd door het Oracle APEX team, en een breed scala van parallelsessies tijdens beide dagen, staan tijdens APEX World ook dit jaar weer Customer Cases, Deep dive sessies en een hands-on sessie op de agenda*. Internationale sprekers tijdens APEX World 2022 zijn onder meer: Chris Saxon, Karen Cannell en Mirela Ardelean. Ook gerenommeerde Nederlandse en Belgische sprekers als Roel Hartman, Richard Martens en Dimitri Gielis hebben hun medewerking toegezegd. Het volledige programma wordt binnenkort bekend gemaakt. De

DevOps Pro Europe 2022

Annual DevOps Pro Europe conference covers the core principles and concepts of the DevOps methodology and demonstrates how to use the most common DevOps patterns to develop, deploy and maintain applications on-premises and in the cloud. DevOps Pro Europe conference puts the spotlight on entire software delivery pipeline and the following domains: DevOps Approach Continuous Delivery, Continuous Integration, Configuration Management, Automated Testing and Deployment DevOps World Experience Technology Adoption, Real Life Implementation Examples, Best Practices and Insights from the Field DevOps Tools Docker, Chef, Puppet, PowerShell, Kubernetes, GitHub, Ansible, SaltStack, Capistrano, Jenkins DevOps Technologies Virtualization, Containerization, Orchestration, Microservices, Cloud Computing

PGCon – PostgreSQL Conference for Users and Developers

Ottawa Ottawa

Join us for the 16th annual PGCon! PGCon is an annual conference for users and developers of PostgreSQL, a leading relational database, which just happens to be open source. PGCon is the place to meet, discuss, build relationships, learn valuable insights, and generally chat about the work you are doing with PostgreSQL. If you want to learn why so many people are moving to PostgreSQL, PGCon will be the place to find out why. Whether you are a casual user or you've been working with PostgreSQL for years, PGCon will have something for you.

Function calls in SQL – Black Box for the Optimizer?

Functions in SQL are a useful and popular feature that is often used. However, little attention is often paid to performance aspects. A function call or an expression in a WHERE condition is a challenge for the query optimizer that often leads to unsuitable execution plans and bad response times. For PL/SQL functions called from SQL, the situation is even more complex. If used incorrectly, they can lead to massive performance degradation. In this presentation, I will show different possibilities to support the optimizer in function calls to generate better execution plans. Furthermore, I will explain how PL/SQL functions can


With the renewed urgency we’ve seen building in the last few months around migrating ERP data to Cloud, this topic is understandably one that’s top of mind for many organisations. Unfortunately, a lot of Oracle EBS users are still in the dark about the impact this data migration may have on their reporting, access to current data, and ability to view their legacy data. Understanding these aspects prior to your migration can set your team up for success and ensure as little disruption to monthly reporting as possible. Join us for this educational Webinar investigating the top five questions you’ll

Trust, but verify approach to securing access to Oracle Database

Trust-but-verify is a key security control for many compliance regulations. In this session, you will learn how you can use Unified Auditing in Oracle Database to implement this approach in a smart and practical way while minimizing performance and storage impact on the database. Try hands-on configuring simple unified audit policies with LiveLabs workshop practice in this session. Join this session and become subject matter experts for implementing this key security control in your organizations.

CFP CLOSING – pgDay Austria

Vienna Vienna

Hold a talk in front of PostgreSQL open source enthusiasts! Apply here and submit a detailed proposal for your talk! Send an email with a short thematic description of the talk to info@pgday.at. Please also state whether you want to hold the talk in German or English (both languages increase the chance of participation)! You are also welcome to attach first slides / PDFs. TALK Each talk will last a maximum of 45 minutes and must include a topic relevant to PostgreSQL. PROPOSALS Proposals may be submitted until May 30, 2022. SPEAKER Speakers will be notified and announced by the


Duesseldorf Duesseldorf

Sichern Sie sich ihre Konferenztickets! Freuen sie sich auf viele spannende Vorträge zu den Themen Datenbank und Engineered Systems, unterhaltsame Community-Aktivitäten und inspirierende Workshops sowie jede Menge Austausch und Networking – endlich wieder vor Ort in Düsseldorf. Das Programm ist online.  


PGConf NYC will be held on September 22nd and 23rd in New York, NY at Convene. It will cover topics for PostgreSQL users, developers and contributors, as well as decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference, please see About. Please note that PGConf NYC is open to all audiences and ages. All talks are expected to be appropriate for a diverse group. Please see our Conference Policies and feel free to contact the Committee with any questions. The submission deadline for regular sessions is May 31st, 2022. The conference commitee will review proposals and notify selected speakers

Seminario híbrido: Mejora tus dashboards con data-storytelling.

Mucha gente trabaja, en su día a día, con herramientas de Business Intelligence. Pero construir un buen dashboard con un storytelling coherente no es sencillo: es necesario preguntarse quién va a utilizar ese dashboard, qué información se quiere obtener de él, qué tipo de gráfico es el más adecuado, qué nivel de detalle el usuario necesita realmente, etc. Un dashboard tiene que ser un elemento que elimine capas de confusión entre el usuario y su negocio, no que las añada. Por ejemplo, en muchas ocasiones, el usuario pide el máximo número de gráficos posibles, y es nuestro trabajo entender qué


Madrid Madrid

We invite you to take part in an event where innovation, knowledge and training come together to spearhead the transformation of society. SPOUG22 is the Annual Convention of SPOUG, the Association of Oracle Users in Spain. This year we want to continue on our unstoppable journey towards the goal we have set ourselves: to continue together towards progress and technological transformation thanks to Oracle’s solutions and products. We look forward to seeing you on 2 and 3 June in Alcalá de Henares, a beautiful town located 20 minutes from Madrid. This is one of the best months of the year


MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV Las Vegas

Make plans to join us for BLUEPRINT 4D, taking place in Las Vegas and online June 6 – 9th, 2022. The hybrid event format is designed to provide an optimal experience for customer participation and engagement both in person and digitally for a truly global event. This global Oracle customer event keeps you in the loop and up to date on the latest technology insights and product advancements for JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, Oracle Cloud apps, Oracle Database & Technology and Oracle Commerce!


Automation and digital assistants are the latest strategies in IT helping organizations reach their business goals. Although these solutions are native features of cloud applications, devising a modernization strategy for EBS R12, whether on premise or in the cloud, can pose a challenge. This 60-minute session will be an open dialogue/Q&A with industry experts, as well as innovative customers on their automation, AI and chat strategies. Join this important conversation to learn which factors to consider when beginning your journey, best practices for development, how to devise your IT goals and roadmap, and the tools of the trade.

[Online] Cloud Adoption Framework – você está migrando para a nuvem corretamente?

Você sabe quais as melhores práticas a se adotar na nuvem, seja migrando seu ambiente ou criando uma nova aplicação? Da nomenclatura de recursos a aspectos como segurança, ferramentas e estratégias? Conheça neste evento ONLINE e GRATUITO do Azure na Prática (Live #46) o Cloud Adoption Framework, uma excelente resposta a essas questões! Palestrante: Diego Matos (Microsoft MVP)

National Webinar Series 2022 – Process Automation functionality within Oracle APEX by Ralf Mueller

The Australian Oracle User Group, AUSOUG, have a focus on bringing together our Oracle community and servicing their core technical, development and applications needs. A balanced program is aimed at all levels of skill and experience within a forum of User led independent knowledge sharing.   Process Automation functionality within Oracle APEX by Ralf Mueller With the release of Oracle APEX 22.1, a journey towards enabling Process Automation functionality within Oracle APEX has started. The new Approvals Component in Oracle APEX 22.1 offers basic Task Management and streamlines Approvals in APEX apps and Workflows under a new Unified Task List.