Oracle MySQL Cloud Day 2021 | ANZ, ASEAN, & HK

Don't miss out on our upcoming MySQL virtual event! Join us for our MySQL Cloud Day, and get a deep dive and interactive experience on how the world's #1 open source database in Oracle Cloud, can help you with your cloud and database solutions. We will be talking about the latest topics, technologies, best practices, used cases, in everything data and cloud. Register today, and get a chance to learn about our latest promotion to trial MySQL Database Service with USD$500 free credits for 30 days!

Oracle/IDC France Webinar

Transformation numérique : DSI et DAF, le duo gagnant Quelle collaboration pour l’optimisation des ressources au profit de la capacité d’innovation ? Oracle et le cabinet d'études IDC France vous donne rendez-vous le 25 mars 2021 à 9h pour un webinar sur le thème de la transformation numérique. Des sessions d’échanges sont organisées en partenariat avec la DFCG, réunissant DSI, DAF et experts du secteur IT autour des questions suivantes : ● Comment faire évoluer l'image de la direction informatique d'un centre de coût à un centre de création de valeur ? Et comment faire évoluer celle de la direction financière de

Primeiros passos na Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Um pequeno passo para si, um passo inteligente para a sua empresa! Aprenda nesta sessão especial de 2 horas alguns benefícios da OCI. Conhece os benefícios práticos da Autonomous Database? Sabe como configurar Alta Disponibilidade e Disaster Recovery? E o que fazer para explorar Escalabilidade e Flexibilidade em OCI? Responderemos a estas e outras questões numa sessão passo a passo totalmente prática e com muitos exercícios. Além disso, ofereceremos-lhe a possibilidade de experimentar a Oracle Cloud gratuitamente e de agendamento de demonstrações individuais.

Oracle PartnerCast: OCI fundamentals and how they are mapped to Microsoft Azure

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has ~100 services and it can be difficult for architects to identify how services map between OCI and other cloud vendors. In this session, you will learn Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) fundamentals and its mapping to Azure services. We’ll cover key concepts, core service comparisons including identity, compute, storage, networking and databases and OCI differentiators. After this session, you will get a good understanding of OCI services and how to map architectures from Azure to OCI. Our featured guest is Rohit Rahi, Senior Director, OCI Competitive Intelligence team. This Oracle infrastructure and Azure session will cover: OCI Fundamentals

DB Viscosity Training (RESCHEDULED): Upgrading to Database 19c

Join ODTUG and Viscosity for a hands-on virtual class that introduces upgrading to Oracle 19c. In this two-hour class, students will get hands-on experience on how to upgrade databases to Oracle Database 19c. A virtual presentation will be followed by the hands-on practicum on performing an actual database upgrade. Attendees will have access to a virtual machine with Oracle database versions and pre-installed with the latest PSU. Attendees can perform database upgrades from Oracle versions or to Oracle Database 19c (19.7 or higher). We have a limited number of user logins are available for the hands-on

Authentication options for the Oracle Database

Authentication options for the Oracle Database Session Abstract: Oracle Database accepts several different authentication methods – each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Join us to review database authentication, appropriate use cases, and how you can use authentication methods to reduce risk and improve security Speaker BIO: Russ Lowenthal Senior Director of Product Management for Database Security, Oracle Russ Lowenthal is the Senior Director of Product Management for Database Security, focused on database encryption, access control, audit, and monitoring. Russ is based in Orlando, Florida, USA, and has been with Oracle for over twenty years. Leveraging more than thirty years


For Discrete Costing learn about the Oracle EBS outside processing (OSP) techniques and other alternative approaches not found in an Oracle User Guide. Learn about the different ways you can use Outside Processing and how these transactions are viewed by Oracle Purchasing as opposed to Oracle Work in Process. Applicable to both Release 11i and 12. Learning Objectives: * Learn how Oracle outside processing works. * Find out about solutions to common issues. * See if there are alternative solutions to the standard approaches.

[Online].NET 5/ASP.NET Core, APIs REST, desen.Back-End: dicas p/ o dia a dia pt2

Acompanhe este evento ONLINE e GRATUITO no Canal .NET com dicas, truques e alternativas úteis para o desenvolvimento Back-End e de APIs REST com .NET 5, ASP.NET Core e Azure Functions. Ao longo da apresentação será coberto o uso de diferentes frameworks, serviços na nuvem, mensageria, bancos de dados e boas práticas de forma a facilitar e tornar mais dinâmica a implementação de soluções baseadas na plataforma .NET no seu dia a dia. Palestrante: Renato Groffe (Microsoft MVP, MTAC) Não deixem de acompanhar! Convidem amigas, amigos e colegas de trabalho!

Database & Technology INSYNC

Introducing INSYNC 21​ Three jam-packed days of Oracle Database and Technology learning​ Quest Oracle Community is excited to introduce a <strong>BRAND NEW</strong> virtual conference exclusively for Database and Technology users! INSYNC connects DBAs to product experts, industry innovators, technology leaders and Oracle product teams for 3 full days of online education and networking. Get hands-on with the experts, dive into demo’s and workshops, connect with other Oracle database users, and meet solutions providers – all from the comfort of your desk. ​ Delivered on our interactive virtual event platform, INSYNC provides an immersive learning experience suited for all learning styles and interests.

Cloud Native Computing Linz Meetup

We are excited to host the 6th edition of the Cloud Native Computing Linz meetup! - Matt Jarvis is a Senior Developer Advocate at Snyk. Matt has spent more than 15 years building products and services around open source software, on everything from embedded devices to large scale distributed systems. Most recently he has been focused on the open cloud infrastructure space, and in emerging patterns for cloud native applications. Matt is a regular speaker at conferences across the world, including Open Infrastructure Summit, FOSDEM and All Things Open. - Rainer Stropek is co-founder and CEO of the company software architects and has been

Boas Práticas em Aplicações na Nuvem: Twelve-Factor App

Computação em nuvem é algo que está cada vez mais presente no nosso dia a dia como desenvolvedores, IT pros e mesmo usuários. E sendo o Microsoft Azure uma das plataformas líderes em cloud computing no cenário atual, o Canal .NET decidiu promover mais uma vez o Azure Tech Nights: um evento completamente ONLINE e GRATUITO com sessões durante Fev/2021, Mar/2021 e Abr/2021 para levar mais conhecimento sobre nuvem para toda a comunidade. Apresentação no dia : * Boas Práticas em Aplicações na Nuvem: Twelve-Factor App Como podemos melhorar a implementação de aplicações na nuvem, tirando proveito de boas práticas

Information Life Cycle Management: Manage Exponential Data Growth

The exponential increase of data volumes puts enterprise IT infrastructures under pressure in cost, performance, scalability, and manageability. The regulatory requirements are changing, like how and why data are retained. Many organisations are now required to maintain and control more information for a more extended period. Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) is applying policies for the effective management of information throughout its useful life. Oracle's Advanced Compression and Data Partitioning help organisations to deploy ILM policy. The benefits include improving enterprise application's performance, reducing infrastructure cost, providing governance, risk, and compliance framework for enterprise data. This session will cover in-depth data

The Power of InnoDB Cluster on Oracle Linux KVM

Tune in and hear from our Oracle experts. Agenda: 1. Shape your future IT with Oracle Open Source Platform See how Oracle Linux Virtualization Manager is easily deployed, to configure, monitor, and manage an Oracle Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) environment with enterprise-grade performance and support. Nirav Kamdar Principal Sales Consultant Oracle Linux 2. High Availability with MySQL InnoDB Cluster Looking for a reliable and high-performance database application? This session will explain the installation and operationalization of the InnoDB Cluster, in meeting SLA for database high availability. Ronen Baram MySQL Principal Solution Engineer Oracle MySQL Demo: Deploying InnoDB Cluster on

Cloud Applications Onboarding Webinar

Oracle CS ConnectX: Cloud Apps On-boarding Webinar We invite you to attend a LIVE webinar to get started with your Oracle Cloud Applications. This is a perfect start to your Cloud journey where you will learn about:- Getting started with Oracle cloud Activating your Cloud services Admin Dashboards and Reports Working with Oracle Technical Support Knowing your Maintenance schedules Various Oracle Portals and Resources

Evénement Oracle : Comment protéger vos données contre les nouveaux risques

Les cyberattaques et ransomwares (rançongiciels) s’intensifient et nous imposent de protéger nos données de façon toujours plus efficace. Dans un environnement digitalisé la perte d’accès à vos données est préjudiciable pour votre entreprise, sa réputation, sa productivité et sa pérennité. Les équipes informatiques ont pu déployer des solutions efficaces pour contrer les risques traditionnels concernant les données et bases de données mais sont-elles prêtes à faire face à ces nouvelles menaces ? > Avez-vous identifié tous les risques de perte d’accès à vos données critiques ? > Avez-vous mesuré l’impact de la perte des données de vos applications majeures ?

MOTU: A morte do Java

MOTU: A morte do Java 👉 Link: 🕛 Quando: 12h do dia 01 de Abril, Quinta Feira! 🕛 ✓ Tema: A morte do Java, chegou o momento de falarmos sobre este tópico com alguém que respirou Java por quase todos os vinte e cinco anos da existência desta tecnologia. É chegado o momento. 👨‍💻👩‍💻💭 Experts da Semana Nesta edição do nosso papo deep dive vamos conversar com ▪️ Elder Moraes (Twitter: @elderjava) ▪️ Karina Varela ( Twitter: @kvarel4 ) ▪️ Otávio Santana ( Twitter: @otaviojava )

Oracle Analitik Zirvesi

Dünya benzeri görülmemiş bir veri üretimi ile karşı karşıya. Kurumların büyüme ivmeleri de üretilen büyük hacimli verinin değere dönüşmesi ile doğrudan ilintili. Veri hacminin artması aynı zamanda yeni pazar fırsatlarının ve bunun ile ilgili iç görülerin oluşmasına da olanak sağlıyor. Bu nedenle iş ekipleri büyüme ve karlılığı artırmak ve yeni içgörüler oluşturmak için mevcutta toplanan tüm veriden yararlanmak istiyor. Tam da bu esnada yeni normalin getirmiş olduğu gereksinimler, verinin önemini bir kez daha ortaya çıkararak, verinin kurumlar için alınacak her kararın anahtarı haline gelmesine olanak tanıyor. Veri analitiği, üst kademe yöneticilere de işletmenin sağlığı hakkında kapsamlı bir görüş ve değişen

Getting started with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

More and more customers are discovering Oracle’s Generation 2 Cloud. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) is built for enterprises looking for higher performance, consistently lower costs, and easier cloud migration for their existing on-premises applications. Companies like Zoom, Cisco and McAfee have already moved key workloads to the Oracle Cloud. Are you also interested in testing the Oracle Cloud for yourself? This workshop is intended for anyone who wants to get their first taste of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The session will start with a short 30-minute explanation of the basic components and will continue with a hands-on exercise. There is both

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall beyond Oracle Database

Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall are one of the industry-leading Database and Access monitoring solutions. This session will focus on how Oracle AVDF can integrate with Non-Oracle DB's using the latest AVDF 20.1 features. Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF) is a complete Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) solution that combines native audit data with network-based SQL traffic capture. AVDF includes: - An enterprise quality audit data warehouse. - Host-based audit data collection agents. - Powerful reporting and analysis tools. - Alert framework. - Audit dashboard. - A multi-stage Database Firewall. Speakers BIO: Suraj Ramesh Principal Solution Engineer, Oracle

Azure App Service em Linux: é possível executar WebJobs?

Computação em nuvem é algo que está cada vez mais presente no nosso dia a dia como desenvolvedores, IT pros e mesmo usuários. E sendo o Microsoft Azure uma das plataformas líderes em cloud computing no cenário atual, o Canal .NET decidiu promover mais uma vez o Azure Tech Nights: um evento completamente ONLINE e GRATUITO com sessões durante Fev/2021 e Mar/2021 para levar mais conhecimento sobre nuvem para toda a comunidade. Quarto dia de apresentações: * Azure App Service em Linux: é possível executar WebJobs? Podemos executar tarefas em background dentro de nossas Web Apps? Quais as possibilidades? Podemos