Managing listener.log and log.xml with Linux Logrotate

Hi all,
To manage Oracle trace files the way to go is ADRCI. You can see this post from Matheus if you have not read it yet.

In the last part of the script we have a small bash code to configure the ADRCI on all databases running on a server

You could add:

adrci exec="set home $1;purge -age 10080 -type ALERT";

In this case the age parameter is in minutes but still you would be required to run it periodically which could be another script in crontab to be managed.

SO the solution that I found to be best as it takes leverage from an existing solution is called logrotate.

Logrotate is a Unix/Linix based program that helps as its name says, rotate any file that you need. You just need to create a configuration file and place it on /etc/logrotate.d on most Linuxes distributions.

But when you have a server with several databases and listerners and more, it starts to get a bit tedious and time consuming to create this manually.

In this post on the Pythian Blog, will find how to create but it does not handle the listener.log nor the log.xml so I added this piece here

for L in `\ps -ef | grep tnslsnr | grep -v grep | sed s'/-.*$//g' | awk '{print $NF}'`
LSRN_LOG=`lsnrctl status ${L} | grep "Listener Log File" | awk '{print $NF}'`
echo ${LSRN_LOG%.*}"*" " {" > ${OUT}
cat << ! >> ${OUT}
rotate 1
echo ${OUT} has been generated

for L in `\ps -ef | grep tnslsnr | grep -v grep | sed s'/-.*$//g' | awk '{print $NF}'`
	LSRN_LOG=`lsnrctl status ${L} | grep "Listener Log File" | awk '{print $NF}'`
	echo ${LSRN_LOG%.*}"*.xml" " {"		>  ${OUT}
	cat << !			>> ${OUT}
	rotate 1
	echo ${OUT} has been generated

Using logroate really helps on the managing on Oracle related files which are not done by ADRCI.

Hope it helps,
