Extracting DML Stats With GGate

Hi all,

After having GoldenGate setup in your environment, on of the most frequent questions you most likely face is how much work is being done by your GGate environment. Or even you may want to set up some dummy extraction just to measure it before start your GGate implementation project.

GoldenGate provides stats command to report the work which is done. It’s recommended to reset the counters/stats before any testing you want or before start gathering, for better outputs.

The retrieving can be done for the total (since last reset), daily or even on table level, as per below:

1. Reset counters/stats:

stats extract ext_test, reset

2. Retrieve stats for a Table since Reset:

stats extract ext_test, table owner1.test, latest

3. Retrieve stats Total since last start of extract:

stats extract ext_int, totalsonly owner1.test

4. Retrieve stats from the day of a table:

stats extract ext_int, daily, table owner1.test

5. Retrieve stats from the day of all schema tables configured on extract:

stats extract ext_int, daily, table owner1.*


Example of Output:

GGSCI (myserver.local) 1> stats ext_test total daily

Sending STATS request to EXTRACT EXT_TEST ...

Start of Statistics at 2019-12-16 15:21:56.

Output by User Exit:

Extracting from OWNER1.TABLE1 to OWNER1.TABLE1:

*** Total statistics since 2019-12-16 07:18:14 ***
        Total inserts                                   2744.00
        Total updates                                      0.00
        Total deletes                                    300.00
        Total discards                                     0.00
        Total operations                                3044.00

*** Daily statistics since 2019-12-16 07:18:14 ***
        Total inserts                                   2744.00
        Total updates                                      0.00
        Total deletes                                    300.00
        Total discards                                     0.00
        Total operations                                3044.00

More about it?
Here: https://docs.oracle.com/goldengate/1212/gg-winux/GWURF/ggsci_commands030.htm#GWURF216

Hope it Helps!

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