Madrid Madrid

Hello! SPOUG22 will be next June 2nd and 3rd in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, a historical village close to Madrid Center. SPOUG22 is the Annual Convention of SPOUG, the Association of Oracle Users in Spain. We hope you to take part in an event where innovation, knowledge and training come together to spearhead the transformation of society. We’d love to have your experience and knowledge at this important event. If you would like to offer a presentation at SPOUG22 send us your proposal before March 31st 2022. Also, It will be a hybrid event, with virtual sessions, so we hope

Webinar gratuito: Introducción al Machine Learning en la nube de Azure.

Microsoft Azure permite virtualizar máquinas, respaldar datos mediante backups, realizar analíticas, bases de datos, redes, almacenamiento y web, con una mayor rapidez, menor latencia, y ahorrando costes. El día 5 de abril a las 18:30h datahack ofrece una sesión impartida por Borja Díaz, sobre cómo utilizar el procesamiento en la nube para entrenar modelos de Machine Learning mucho más rápido y gastando lo mínimo. Durante una hora, veremos una pequeña introducción a Azure, el servicio cloud de Microsoft, y cómo utilizarlo para hacer tareas básicas de data science a nivel usuario particular. La idea principal de esta sesión es explicar

SOUG Day 2022


Der SOUG Day vom 6. April findet im Launchlabs in Basel statt. Wir freuen uns sehr, Euch in „echt“ willkommen zu heissen. Der Event ist für SOUG Mitglieder kostenlos. Nicht-Mitglieder bezahlen einen Beitrag von 120 Franken. Dieser Beitrag wird gutgeschrieben wenn eine Mitgliedschaft abgeschlossen wird.

RoOUG TechSession #47 Online

Model, vizualizare si analiza relatiilor din date utilizand Graf-urk in baza de data Oracle Analiza grafică oferă un mod diferit de a privi datele și a devenit foarte populară în ultimii ani pentru a obține noi perspective asupra conexiunilor și relațiilor din date. În administrarea bazelor de date, graficele pot facilita analiza ierarhiilor de dependențe, de exemplu. Maparea conținutului vizualizării DBA_DEPENDENCES la o structură grafică pentru a determina care declanșatoare vor eșua dacă o anumită funcție PL/SQL nu se mai compila ar fi doar un caz de utilizare posibil. În mod similar, graficele permit DBA să determine prin ce rol

Connect 2 worlds – Datenaustausch zwischen Oracle und PostgresSQL

Erfahren Sie in unserer 60-minütigen WebSession mit Christian Pfundtner alles rund um das Thema Connect 2 worlds - Datenaustausch zwischen Oracle und PostgresSQL. Buchen Sie jetzt und sichern Sie sich einen Platz! Die Veranstaltung ist für Mitglieder der DOAG kostenfrei. Christian Pfundtner: "Oracle Datenbanken sind meine Welt! Je kniffliger das Problem, je komplexer die Aufgabenstellung um so lieber ist es mir."

DBA dag

Na de virtuele database-week vorig jaar hadden we in 2021 weer een echte fysieke, traditionele bijeenkomst voor de DBA’s in december gepland. Helaas moesten we die uitstellen tot 13 april 2022. Dit biedt ook voordelen. Zo hebben we nog meer tijd gehad om een aansprekend programma voor te bereiden om op een efficiënte en gezellige manier op de hoogte te blijven van wat speelt in database-land. En wel op een aansprekende locatie: het SS Rotterdam. Het programma is inmiddels definitief en we hebben weer mooie presentaties door Oracle, partners, en andere deskundigen. Iedereen is fysiek aanwezig, dus geen remote presentaties.


Are you a PostgreSQL user or developer or does your company use PostgreSQL? We are happy to hear about your project, your experiences (good and bad), your preferred extensions or any topic of interest around PostgreSQL that grabbed your attention. It is easy to participate A session lasts 50 minutes including questions. Tell us about your proposal. A title and an abstract of about 1500 characters. A short text about you and your relation to PostgreSQL. A picture of yourself. Please indicate the language of your talk (English or German). You may submit the same talk in both languages if

JD Edwards Update Event 2022


JDE Update 2021 opnieuw gepland voor 21 april 2022. Wij zijn volop in de voorbereiding en hopen u te verwelkomen (met inachtneming van de lokale regels).

CFP CLOSING – PostgresLondon

London London

This year we are aiming for two tracks so are hoping for more proposals than ever before! The talk selection committee will review all proposals and confirm speakers by 22nd April 2022. If you have any queries, please contact the organisers at

PostgreSQL DAY Poland

Warsaw Warsaw

The wait is finally over! The first ever Polish PostgreSQL conference is approaching faster than we think. PGDayPL 2022 is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge, talk to the amazing speakers and spend a good time in the accompaniment of what we are most passionate about. We hope to see you all together on April 22nd in Warsaw!

Oracle Technology Summit Stockholm

Stockholm Stockholm

Let’s meet again, in person, at the Oracle Technology Summit Join us, in person again, at the Oracle Technology Summit on 26 April at the Convendum, Stockholm. The full day agenda will provide insight and expert discussion about the aspects that are most critical to the success, security and growth of your organisation right now. Meet your Oracle team and catch up with industry peers We have built in lots of opportunities for you to meet with your Oracle account and technical teams during breakfast, breaks and a seated lunch. You can also meet with your industry peers at the

OUG Scotland

Glasgow Glasgow

OUG Scotland is back, in person, for 2022. The Scottish Oracle community will be gathering for a day of top-quality content, covering everything across the business and technical landscapes. This is your chance to contribute your knowledge to an invaluable collection of sessions.   ABOUT UKOUG As the largest Oracle User Group in the UK, we are a hub for connecting, learning, sharing and shaping conversation for the benefit of the community. Made up of over 8,500 people, the user group consists of Oracle Customers, Oracle Partners and the Oracle Corporation, creating an eco-system where all can benefit. UKOUG provides

DevDays Europe 2022

Vilnius Vilnius

DevDays Europe – software development conference bringing together internationally recognized speakers and developers to encourage excellence and innovation in the software development community. At this conference, we cover the emerging technologies and best practices in the software development industry – regardless of technological platform or language – without commercial hype. At DevDays Europe you will learn about the latest tech advances from international experts flown in specifically for the event and about recent changes in your local development community from the peers. Full-day workshops will boost your knowledge of software development by introducing the latest practices and advancements in this



Call for Papers: Teilen Sie Ihr Wissen mit der Community und werden Sie Referent der DOAG 2022 Konferenz + Ausstellung, indem Sie Ihren Vortragsabstract bis zum 28. April 2022 einreichen.   Ihre Einreichung Wir suchen Vorträge mit einer Länge von 40 Minuten. Ob Erfahrungs- und Projektberichte, Tipps und Tricks, neue Features oder Best Practices – unsere Jahreskonferenz bietet Ihnen eine große Themenvielfalt! Eine detaillierte Liste aller relevanten Themenbereiche finden Sie hier. Außerdem sind wir auf der Suche nach Referenten, die in unseren Sessions für Einsteiger technisch komplexe Inhalte einfach aufbereiten und verständlich vermitteln.

Regionaltreffen NRW: APEX Open Mic Night

Brühl Brühl

Zeige was du mit Oracle APEX drauf hast! Am Vorabend der APEX Connect bekommt ein jeder die Gelegenheit seine App oder ein Feature in 5 Minuten dar zu stellen. Übrigens auch eine gute Gelegenheit das APEX Team direkt Feedback zu geben.

PostgreSQL Conference Germany

Leipzig Leipzig

This year's conference is the 6th PostgreSQL Conference Germany, and for this year we will stay in Leipzig. The conference is organized by PostgreSQL Europe. PGConf.DE is a unique chance for European PostgreSQL users and developers to catch up, learn, build relationships, get to know each other and consolidate a real network of professionals that use and work with PostgreSQL. The event is moved between major cities in Germany, to make it easy for as many people as possible to come to the conference. The conference covers a wide range of topics, as we expect talks ranging from internals discussions

DoK Day Europe 2022 @ KubeCon

Valencia, Spain Valencia

We are excited to present DoK Day Europe 2022 @ KubeCon this spring, following the success of our last two DoK Days with the last featuring 20 virtual talks, musical interludes, and a fun quiz at the end! Kubernetes is increasingly used to run databases and other stateful workloads, unlocking new potential for leveraging your data. Join experienced practitioners from the Data on Kubernetes Community (DoKC) who are at the forefront of running data on Kubernetes. Learn the use cases, techniques, and best practices from those who have been there, done that. DoKC will be streaming the event live onsite

Spring HROUG 2022

Hrvatsko Zagorje Hrvatsko Zagorje

Prošle godine smo junački proslavili veliku obljetnicu, 25. HrOUG konferenciju. Sada je vrijeme da se krene dalje, pa vam je ove godine HrOUG pripremio zanimljivu novost i iznenađenje. U 2022. godini ćemo organizrati dvije HrOUG konferencije: 1. prvu u svibnju u Tuhelju, a 2. drugu u listopadu u Rovnju Mnogi sudionici su nam rekli kako je vremenski razmak od cijele jedne godine između dvije konferencije često predug period u kojem tehnološki napredak ne posustaje, već naprotiv, u međuvremenu se pojavi veći broj novosti koje se ne stignu predstaviti u kraće vrijeme nakon objave ili se stavljaju "na čekanje" do sljedeće

Is your Oracle Cloud Data Secure in BI Publisher?

Developers require a SQL tool to query data from Oracle Cloud. Most organizations use out-of-the-box BI Publisher functionality to query data using the data model. However, this can expose your HR data and PII information to developers. Learn how SQLConnect can help query in BI Publisher while improving your productivity by up to 60%.