Oracle PartnerCast: OCI fundamentals and how they are mapped to Google Cloud Platform

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure has ~100 services and it can be difficult for architects to identify how services map between OCI and other cloud vendors. In this session, you will learn Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) fundamentals and its mapping to Google Cloud Platform services. We’ll cover key concepts, core service comparisons including identity, compute, storage, networking and databases and OCI differentiators. After this session, you will get a good understanding of OCI services and how to map architectures from GCP to OCI. Our featured guest is Rohit Rahi, Senior Director, OCI Competitive Intelligence team. This Oracle infrastructure and AWS session will cover:

MOTU: Reactive Applications

MOTU: Reactive Applications 👉 Link: 🕛 Quando: 12h do dia 22 de Abril, Quinta Feira! 🕛 ✓ Tema: Aplicações reativas no Java: quando, como e porquê! 👨‍💻👩‍💻💭 Experts da Semana Nesta edição do nosso papo deep dive vamos conversar com ▪️ Edson Yanaga (Twitter: @yanaga) ▪️ Karina Varela ( Twitter: @kvarel4 ) ▪️ Otávio Santana ( Twitter: @otaviojava )

Azure Weekend 2021: online e totalmente gratuito!

Gostaria de conhecer mais sobre o Azure e os diversos serviços oferecidos pela plataforma de cloud computing da Microsoft? Não deixe então de acompanhar a primeira edição do Azure Weekend em 2021, um EVENTO ONLINE e GRATUITO do canal Coding Night e das comunidades .NET SP, Azure Talks e Campinas .NET! Quando: 24/04/2021 (sábado) a partir das 14:00 - horário de Brasília Convide também amigas, amigos e colegas de trabalho! Apresentações já previstas: * .NET 5 + Azure Functions em exemplos práticos - Renato Groffe (Microsoft MVP, MTAC) * Utilizando Azure Batch em Linux - Walter Coan (Microsoft MVP) **



Beschreibung Thema: Dieser Workshop richtet sich speziell an Oracle DBAs, die zusätzlich auch PostgreSQL Datenbanken betreuen sollen. Die Voraussetzung ist ein fundiertes Wissen über die Oracle Datenbanken - von Begriffen wie Tablespace, Schema, Instanz bis hin zu Backup und Recovery. Bei vielen Erklärungen werden Vergleiche mir den entsprechenden Funktionen/Strukuren von Oracle genutzt, was einem Oracle DBA das verstehen deutlich erleichtern sollte. Zielgruppe: Der Fokus liegt auf Oracle DBAs. Architekten und Entwickler mit grundlegenden Oracle-Datenbank-Architektur-Know-How sind ebenfalls willkommen. Vorkenntnisse: Grundlegendes Know-How über Oracle-Datenbanken (Architektur, Schema, Security, Administration) sowie Linux. Welche Fähigkeiten erlangen die Teilnehmer? Grundlegende Administrationskenntnisse für PostgreSQL 11,12,13 Datenbanken. Weitere

Building a cloud-friendly application – Jakarta Tech Talks

Larry Garfield ( presents: The days of hand-crafted artisanal servers are long over. Modern web applications need to be able to run on many different servers without code changes. Not just different hosting providers, but different environments on the same hosting provider. Whether you’re using a legacy dev/stage/prod setup or a modern branch-is-environment host, modern hosting imposes some requirements on your application design but also offers a huge potential for new and powerful tools. In this webinar, we’ll explore some key guidelines for building a cloud-friendly application, as well as look at some architectural options that a modern hosting platform

Microsserviços + Azure Event Hubs

Vivemos em uma época em que dados são extremamente importantes para qualquer negócio... Mas não adianta nada termos os dados, se não conseguimos entendê-los. Venha então conosco neste evento ONLINE e GRATUITO do Azure na Prática (live #19) e conheça uma maneira super prática de utilizar o Event Hub no Azure na manipulação de dados em uma arquitetura de microsserviços! Palestrantes: - Thaise Medeiros (Microsoft MVP) - Vanessa Valle (Microsoft MVP) Quando: 27/04/2021 (terça) a partir das 21:00 - horário de Brasília Confirme sua participação através do link: Para saber mais sobre o Azure na Prática e seus treinamentos

Oracle Narrative Reporting Cloud Certification Readiness Workshop

Note that seats are limited and priority will be given to EMEA Partners focusing to Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud Service Track Expertise. Registrations will be closed as soon as the Event is full. Oracle is pleased to invite you to attend an Oracle Narrative Reporting (EPRCS) Certification Readiness Workshop. Gain an in-depth understanding of the Oracle Narrative Reporting 2020 Implementation Specialist certification process and the various areas of the system that will be tested as part of the Implementation Essentials Certification Exam (1Z0-1083-20). Explore key system functionality and terminology that you will need to know to become a certified

Cassandra 4.0 World Party

Apache Cassandra™ runs some of the biggest workloads around the world. Join our virtual, one-day celebration on Wednesday, April 28, 2021 in preparation for the launch of 4.0, the most stable database release ever shipped. Fun, fast-paced talks from our global community will keep you entertained around the clock. Who? Anyone around the world! If you use and/or contribute to Cassandra, join us to meet others from the global community, learn, share, and celebrate. When? The one-day event will include three sessions so you can celebrate with the Cassandra community in your time zone or attend all three! - April


Hexaware leverages its proprietary Triadic framework to carry out transformation assessments for its customers. It evaluates the client environment from three dimensions: business model, landscape complexity, and appetite to move to the cloud. The various automation tools & accelerators aligned with the framework will bring in a significant reduction in effort and cost during implementation as well as post-implementation. One of the elements in the Triadic framework is data migration; customers face multiple challenges during migration, consolidation, and reconciliation of data from multiple source systems like PeopleSoft, Oracle EBS, and other legacy applications to Oracle HCM, ERP, and CX Cloud applications.

Make it faster – Myths about SQL Performance

Many developers don’t pay attention to database performance when implementing new applications. The functionality of the application is important, but the efficiency of the SQL queries is often ignored. The DBA (or the query optimizer) does this job later. If necessary, we can still create some indexes, add hints or adjust some database parameters. And in the Cloud, the Oracle database does everything automatically and autonomously, anyway. Really? Unfortunately, the reality looks different. Many performance problems are caused by a poor software design, unsuitable data models or inefficient SQL statements. Correcting such issues at the end of a project or

Automatizando testes de integração com Azure DevOps e GitHub Actions

Implementar testes de integração nem sempre é uma tarefa fácil, chegando até mesmo a ser postergada em muitos casos ao se considerar os inúmeros serviços dos quais uma aplicação pode depender. E as dificuldades só tendem a aumentar quando decidimos executar tais testes de maneira automatizada. Embora muitos profissionais desconheçam, soluções de automação como Azure DevOps e GitHub Actions contam com ambientes em que inúmeros recursos e ferramentas foram pré-instalados. Podemos ir além nos valendo de containers criados nestes ambientes, emulando sem complicações instâncias de bancos de dados e até mesmo serviços de mensageria. O resultado disto serão validações simulando



Der Kurs erklärt die Methoden um in seiner Oracle Datenbank in Version von 11.2 bis 21.2 aufzuräumen und Objekte zu reorganisieren. Wie kann man unnötigen Speicherplatz durch Statistiken, Jobs Logs, Audits, Trace Dateien u. v. w wieder freigeben? Wie können partitionierte oder normale Tabellen, Indizes, Lobs und Sonderobjekte wie AQ Tabellen, Tabellen mit Long oder der gesamte Tablespace reorganisiert werden? Zielgruppe: Fortgeschrittene DBA´s, TeamleiterInnen und interessierte EntwicklerInnen Vorkenntnisse: Grundlagen der Datenbank Architektur Welche Fähigkeiten erlangen die Teilnehmer? Die Teilnehmer können nach dem Seminar in Ihrer Datenbank aufräumen und unnötigen Speicherplatz wieder freigeben. Auch die Reorganisation von Objekten wie Indizes, Tabellen,

Berliner Expertenseminar: Oracle Datenbank Reorg und Wartung in Version 11.2 bis 21.1

Oracle Datenbank Reorg und Wartung für Experten in Version 11.2 bis 21.1, ein Berliner Expertenseminar (Online) mit Marco Patzwahl für DBA und Entwickler. Der Kurs erklärt die Methoden um in seiner Oracle Datenbank in Version von 11.2 bis 21.2 aufzuräumen und Objekte zu reorganisieren. Wie kann man unnötigen Speicherplatz durch Statistiken, Jobs Logs, Audits, Trace Dateien u. v. w wieder freigeben? Wie können partitionierte oder normale Tabellen, Indizes, Lobs und Sonderobjekte wie AQ Tabellen, Tabellen mit Long oder der gesamte Tablespace reorganisiert werden? Zielgruppe: Fortgeschrittene DBA´s, TeamleiterInnen und interessierte EntwicklerInnen Vorkenntnisse: gute Grundkenntnisse in der Datenbankadministration von Oracle Welche Fähigkeiten


MOTU: Monitoramento e troubleshooting com New Relic

  MOTU: Monitoramento e troubleshooting com New Relic 🕛 Quando: 12h do dia 29 de Maio, Quinta Feira! 🕛 ✓ Tema: Monitoramento e troubleshooting de aplicações usando New Relic.


O SQL Server é extremamente rápido. Você que não sabe usar!

Atendendo a pedidos e ao excelente feedback da comunidade, vamos agora para a parte 6! Confira esta apresentação ONLINE e GRATUITA no Canal .NET em que serão mostradas mais dicas e técnicas de como otimizar o desempenho de bancos SQL Server, obtendo assim o máximo desse excelente SGBD! Falaremos novamente de muita coisa legal... e muito além de NOLOCK e Missing Index! Palestrantes já confirmados: - Dirceu Resende - Microsoft MVP - Fabiano Neves Amorim - Microsoft MVP - Marcel Inowe - DBA - Luiz Vitor França Lima - DBA


Meeting India’s regulatory requirements for Database Activity Monitoring

Session Title: Meeting India's regulatory requirements for Database Activity Monitoring Session Abstract: Database Activity Monitoring plays a key role in regulatory compliance. Monitoring who is viewing data and what data they are accessing is a factor in virtually all industry and government regulations. Join us to learn how you can meet your regulatory requirements on Database Activity Monitoring (DAM) using Oracle Database Security solutions. By using Oracle Database's native auditing feature, and Oracle Audit Vault and Database Firewall (AVDF), you can not only accelerate your readiness to comply with regulatory guidelines but also achieve comprehensive security controls for sensitive data


In 2019/2020/2021, hundreds of Fortune-Five-Hundred companies and Federal Agencies were Hacked. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) was stolen. In 2018, Equifax’s security was breached and 145 Million accounts (user-ids, passwords, SSN, Addresses, etc.) were stolen. Most of these CIO and IT-Leaders and Technology-Leaders lost their jobs. Oracle has identified your Security Areas and perfected simple Security-Steps to Improve Security and reduce your Security Attack-Surface: Securing Authentication Securing Authorization Securing Data In-Flight Securing Database Copies This session will discuss these security areas and how you can reduce risk.

Low Code Development with Oracle APEX on Autonomous Database by Chaitanya Koratamaddi

Oracle APEX is the world’s most popular low-code application development platform for building and deploying modern data-driven applications. Business users and application developers can create enterprise apps 38X faster without having to learn complex web technologies. Gain hands on experience learning how the new APEX Service works to build a fully functional APEX app in less than an hour. Go from zero to hero in a ridiculously short period of time! This workshop includes two parts: Creating an App based on Existing Tables for Oracle Autonomous Cloud Services In this hands-on lab, you'll learn how to quickly and easily build