Managing AWR Warehouse Repository Database

1. Change Retention Period Of AWR Warehouse Repository Database

This retention of the AWR on the Repository Database can be changed by the following:

<OMS_HOME>/bin>./emcli awrwh_reconfigure -retention=<New retention period (in years)>
For example: 
[oracle@oem13c oms]$ emcli awrwh_reconfigure -retention=5

2. Change Staging Location Of AWR Dump Files

For the AWR Warehouse, the target database by default creates dump file in home directory. So after adding the target to AWR warehosue, we need to reconfigure it from OEM CLI to change the dump files directory as following:

<OMS_HOME>/bin>./emcli awrwh_reconfigure_src -target_name=<target database name> -target_type=rac_database -src_dir="<directory path>"
For example: 
[oracle@oem13c ]$ ./emcli awrwh_reconfigure_src -target_name=greporadb -target_type=rac_database -src_dir="/arwdata/awrw"

3. Change Upload Interval Of SnapShots In AWR Warehouse Repository Database

This configuration can be changed by the following:

<OMS_HOME>/bin>./emcli awrwh_reconfigure -upload_interval <New upload interval>
For example: 
[oracle@oem13c oms]$ ./emcli awrwh_reconfigure -upload_interval=12

4. List Current Configuration

This can be accomplished by the following:

[oracle@oem13c oms]$ emcli awrwh_reconfigure -list
Upload Interval (hours) = 12
Retention (years) = 5
Dump Location = /awrdata/awrw/
AWR Warehouse reconfigured successfully
[oracle@oem13c oms]$

EM13c: How To Change Retention Period Of AWR Warehouse Repository Database In 13.2 OEM Cloud Control (Doc ID 2247437.1)
EM13c: How To Change Staging Location Of Dump Files On AWR Warehouse Repository Database In 13.2 OEM Cloud Control (Doc ID 2247439.1)
EM13c: How To Change Upload Interval Of SnapShots In AWR Warehouse Repository Database In 13.2 OEM Cloud Control (Doc ID 2247438.1)