12.2 Scheduler Job Disappeared After Creation

Hi all,
Just sharing an experience here. Recently in a migrated 12.2 environment I created a Scheduler Job and it simply disappeared. How come?
Well, seems since 12.2 the AUTO_DROP attribute is set to true by default. I absolutely don’t know why. So I had to recreate the job and set auto_drop to false, simple like this.

I couldn’t find any related bug on MOS, but I’d relate this as a bug, once the default behavior have changed with no prior information.
So, now on, I strongly suggest you to check on your job AUTO_DROP attribute after job creation.

Here is a test case that reproduces the problem:

In a 12.2 database:

  DBMS_SCHEDULER.create_job (
    job_name        => 'TEST_JOB',
    job_type        => 'PLSQL_BLOCK',
    job_action      => 'BEGIN null; END;',
    start_date      => SYSTIMESTAMP,
    repeat_interval => 'SYSTIMESTAMP + INTERVAL ''10'' SECOND',
    end_date        => NULL,
    enabled         => false,
    comments        => 'Test job');
select ENABLED, AUTO_DROP, STATE, RUN_COUNT, FAILURE_COUNT,DEFERRED_DROP from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name = 'TEST_JOB';
-- Job should appear here

select ENABLED, AUTO_DROP, STATE, RUN_COUNT, FAILURE_COUNT,DEFERRED_DROP from dba_scheduler_jobs where job_name = 'TEST_JOB';

-- There is no job now in 12.2.

You can take the AUTO_DROP easily from the query above, or using getting the job_ddl and you’ll see the AUTO_DROP set to true, as in the bottom of this page by Tim Hall.

Hope it helps!


  1. Hudson Lausmann Gomes
  2. Hudson Lausmann Gomes
    1. Hudson Lausmann Gomes
    2. Hudson Lausmann Gomes

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