Kludge to keep Database Alive

It’s not so pretty and Oracle has the Oracle Restart services for that. But to a temporary and quick need, this script solve the problem:

if ps -fu oracle | grep -v grep | grep ora_smon_orcl >/dev/null
echo "orcl instance is up and running"
echo "orcl instance is down"
sqlplus /nolog > /dev/null 2>&1 <<EOF
conn / as sysdba


Grepping Entries from Alert.log

Hey hey,
One more McGayver by me! Haha
Again to find some information in alert. This time, I’m looking to count and list all occurrences of an action in alert. To archive this, I made the script below.


The functionality is just a little bit more complex than the script of the last post, but stills quite simple. Take a look:

PAR1: name of alert (the main alert.log)
PAR2: Searched token
PAR3: Start day you want to, in the format “Mon dd” or just “Mon”. Below an example.
PAR4: Start Year (4 digits)
PAR5: [optional]End day you want to, in the format “Mon dd” or just “Mon”. The default value is “until now”.
PAR6: [optional]End Year (4 digits). The default value is “until now”. If you use the PAR5, you have to use PAR6.
PAR7: [optional] List All entries and when?. If you want to use this PAR, you must to use PAR5 and PAR6.

Examples (Looking for service reconfigurations):
Ex1: sh grep_entries_alert.sh alert_xxdb_1.log “services=” “Apr 12” 2015
(Seach between April 12 and now and count entries).
Ex2: sh grep_entries_alert.sh alert_xxdb_1.log “services=” “Apr 01” 2015 “May 30” 2015
(Seach between April 01 and May 30 and count the entries).
Ex3: sh grep_entries_alert.sh alert_xxdb_1.log “services=” “Apr 01” 2015 “May 30” 2015 LIST
(Seach between April 01 and May 30 and count the entries and list them all…)

# Script grep_entries_alert.sh
if [ $# -lt 6 ]; then
FIN=`cat $1 |wc -l`
else FIN=`cat $1 |grep -n $5 |grep $6$ |head -n 1 |cut -d':' -f1`
BEG=`cat $1 |grep -n "$3" |grep $4$ |head -n 1 |cut -d':' -f1`
NMB=`expr $FIN - $BEG`
ENTR=`cat $1 |head -n $FIN |tail -$NMB| grep $2|wc -l`
echo Number of Entries: $ENTR >log.log
if [ $# -lt 7 ]; then
echo ------- Complete List Of Entries and When ---------- >> log.log
for line in `cat $1 |head -n $FIN |tail -$NMB| grep -n $2|cut -d':' -f1`;do
LR=`expr $line + $BEG` # To get "real line", without the displacement
DAT=`expr $LR - 1`     # To get line date of entry
echo awk \'NR==$DAT\' $1 >>aux.sh # Printing the lines just calculted
echo awk \'NR==$LR\' $1 >>aux.sh  # with aux.sh
sh aux.sh >>log.log
cat log.log

It’s not beautiful. But it works! 🙂

After that, there is the new blog sponsor:


Grepping Alert by Day

Hi all,
For that moment when your alert is very big and some OS doesn’t “work very well with it” (in my case was using AIX), I jerry-ringged the shellscript bellow. It puts in a new log just the log entries of a selected day.

24 7 365

The call can be made with two or three parameters, this way:

name of alert (the main alert.log)
PAR2: Day you want to, in the format “Mon dd”. Below an example.
PAR3: [optional] desired year. The default is the current year. But is useful specially on the “new year” period…

Ex1: sh grep_day.sh alert_xxdb_1.log “Apr 12”
Ex2: sh grep_day.sh alert_xxdb_1.log “Apr 12” 2014

Generated files:

# Script grep_day.sh
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
YEAR=`date +"%Y"`
else YEAR=$3
DATEFORMAT=`echo $2|cut -d' ' –f1`""`echo $2|cut -d' ' –f2`
BEG=`cat $1 |grep -n "$2" |grep $YEAR |head -1 |cut -d':' -f1`
FIN=`cat $1 |grep -n "$2" | grep $YEAR |tail -1 |cut -d':' -f1`
NMB=`expr $FIN - $BEG`
cat $1 |head -$FIN |tail -$NMB > dalert_$YEAR$DATEFORMAT.log

Belive me! It can be useful…. haha

See ya!
